Over the last 20 years, the annual Awards of Excellence event has evolved but the reason we gather year after year remains the same - to thank all of the individuals and businesses who give back so generously to our community. It's our past, present, and future nominees and award recipients who really make the Township of Centre Wellington an amazing place to live, work and play. The Centre Wellington Chamber of Commerce invites you to participate in our Awards of Excellence. This signature event recognizes individuals and businesses that have made a significant and lasting contribution to the community of Centre Wellington. Click for a list of past winners and for the current categories.
Business of the Year
This award is presented to a business or not-for-profit organization that has demonstrated excellence in leadership, customer/client focus, resilience, innovation, employee relations, and business achievements.
Citizen of the Year
This award is presented to an individual who makes outstanding contributions to our community, with no expectation of personal gain. Volunteering of one's time and talent towards the betterment of our community is the hallmark of this award. Nominations in this category will recognize an individual for activities beyond the scope of any paid roles they hold within the community. This nomination must be made from a third party (i.e. no self-nominations)
Cultural, Arts, Tourism Impact Award
This award is presented to an individual, business, organization, or group that has made a significant impact on cultural, arts, or tourism within Centre Wellington, putting the community on the map to drive economic growth and awareness.
Customer Service Excellence Award
This award is presented to a business that consistently provides exceptional customer service. This nomination must be made from a third party (i.e. no self-nominations). Additional community testimonials (submitted through cwchamber.ca) will be included in the adjudication process for this award.
Employer of the Year Award
This award is presented to an employer that goes above and beyond for their employees. Providing an outstanding workplace and demonstrating excellence in employee relations are the foundations for this award. The business values employee development/retention on the same level as productivity and business growth.
Entrepreneur of the Year
This award is presented to an individual who founded, and continues to own at least 50% of, a business and has demonstrated outstanding business sense, an innovative spirit, and community involvement. Adjudicators will give specific consideration to those who are traditionally under represented as entrepreneurs in their sector and/or community. This nomination must be made from a third party (i.e. no self-nominations)
Environmental Excellence Award
This award is presented to a business or organization that has shown a commitment to the environment. Green initiatives are a daily priority and this is clearly demonstrated through ongoing business activities and specific projects. The business strives to provide a positive influence on the use of our natural resources.
Young Entrepreneur of the Year
This award is presented to an individual under the age of 30, who founded, and continues to own at least 50% of, a business and has demonstrated outstanding business sense, an innovative spirit, and community involvement. Adjudicators will give specific consideration to those who are traditionally under represented as entrepreneurs in their sector and/or community. This nomination must be made from a third party (i.e. no self-nominations).